203 Scene detection settings for Capture video. 201 Compression settings for Capture video. 193 The Disc Simulator (legacy Author tab). 189 ContentsvThe Chapter Wizard (legacy Author tab). 188 Timeline menu markers (legacy Author tab). 185 Previewing disc menus (legacy Author tab). 183 Adding disc menus (legacy Author tab). 181 MyDVD disc projects.ĥ 181 Author tab (legacy). 177 Using Audio Ducking to automatically adjust volume. 132 Split screen video templates.Ĥ 135My Templates: Saving a movie as a template. 91 Chapter 4: Corrections.ģ 93 Correcting Library media. 75 Controlling speed with Time Remapping. 64 Using Slip, Slide, Roll, or Stretch tools on the Timeline. 59 Title Editors, ScoreFitter, voice-over. 23 The Library preview.Ģ 25 Choosing what to display in the Library. 1 Buttons, menus, dialog boxes and windows. DV:ġ Pinnacle Studio 22 User GuideIncluding Pinnacle Studio Plus and Pinnacle Studio UltimateContentsContentsiBefore you start. AVCHD: A video data format used by some high-definition camcorders, and for creating DVD discs that can be read on Blu-ray players. The term is used to refer to all screen standards that are at least 3840 x 1080 pixels. It is also known as Ultra High-Definition or Ultra HD. : A video resolution that is approximately 4,000 pixels in width. Pinnacle Studio 22 User GuideIncluding Pinnacle Studio Plus and Pinnacle Studio UltimateContentsContentsiBefore you start. Example: tourism industry Search Pinnacle Studio 24 User Guide